Pets Love Guide

Can Gerbils Eat Apples? Part You Should Avoid Feeding

Apples are a type of fruit that can be eaten by humans and animals. So, you must be thinking about whether you should feed apples to your gerbil or
gerbils eating apples

Apples are a type of fruit that can be eaten by humans and animals. So, you must be thinking about whether you should feed apples to your gerbil or not!

So can gerbils eat apples? Yes, Gerbils can eat apples. Apples are a good source of fiber, which helps keep the digestive system healthy. Apples provide essential vitamins and minerals that gerbils need to stay healthy. Additionally, the natural sweetness of apples is a great way to add some variety to a gerbil’s diet.

We recommend Oxbow Essentials Gerbil Food (Check price on Amazon) as it contains healthy and essential nutrients to keep your gerbils healthy and active.

Do Gerbils Eat Apples?

Gerbils can eat apples, but should not have them too often because they contain sugar and water. Too much sugar can cause health problems for gerbils. Apples should be given as a treat and in moderation, not more than 25g of the slice. When giving your gerbil an apple, make sure to remove the seeds and stem first.

Do Gerbils Like Apples?

Gerbils enjoy the sweetness of apples and will often gnaw on the skin as well as the flesh of the fruit.

When feeding apples to your gerbil, it is important to remove the seeds first as they can be harmful if ingested.

You can also offer your gerbil apple slices or chop up the fruit into small pieces.

In addition to being a tasty treat, apples offer many health benefits for gerbils. The fruit is high in fiber which helps keep the digestive system running smoothly. Apples are also a good source of Vitamin C, an important nutrient for boosting the immune system.

Can gerbils eat apple seeds?

Apple seeds contain a chemical called amygdalin, which is poisonous to gerbils. If a gerbil eats enough apple seeds, it could die. So it’s best to avoid giving your gerbil any apples with seeds in them.

Can gerbils eat apple skin?

Apple skin is a good source of fiber and vitamins A and C. It’s also safe for gerbils to eat, so there’s no need to remove the skin before giving your gerbil a piece of apple.

Can gerbils eat apple wood and bark?

Both apple wood and bark of the apple tree contain toxins that can be harmful to gerbils. Ingesting even a small amount of these toxins can make a gerbil sick, so it’s best to avoid giving your gerbil any apples with wood or bark on them.

Can gerbils eat apple leaves?

apple leaves
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

Apple leaves contain a chemical called cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide if the leaves are chewed or ingested. This is dangerous to gerbils and can cause death. So it’s best to avoid giving your gerbil any apples with leaves on them.

Can Gerbils Eat Green Apples?

Gerbils can eat green apples, but they should only do so in moderation. Apples are a good source of Vitamin C for gerbils, but the acidity of the fruit can cause stomach upset if they eat too much.

Green apples typically have less sugar than red apples, so they may be a better option for gerbils that are watching their sugar intake.

As always, offer fresh fruits and vegetables to your gerbil in moderation and provide plenty of water to help them stay hydrated.

Can Gerbils Eat Red Apples?

Gerbils can safely eat red apples, but as with all fruits, they should only do so in moderation. Apples are a good source of Vitamin C for gerbils, but the acidity of the fruit can cause stomach upset if they eat too much.

Red apples typically have more sugar than green apples, so they may not be the best option for gerbils that are watching their sugar intake.

Nutritional Information on all Apple Types

According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, one apple slice (25g) contains these nutrients:

Calories: 17

Fat: 0 grams

Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

Sodium: 1 milligram

Potassium: 54 milligrams

Carbohydrates: 5 grams

Fiber: 0.3 grams

Sugar: 4 grams

Protein: 0.1 grams

Vitamin C: 3% of the Daily Value (DV)

Vitamin A: 1% of the DV

One whole apple (182g) contains these nutrients:

Calories: 95

Fat: 0.3 grams

Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

Sodium: 2 milligrams

Potassium: 195 milligrams

Carbohydrates: 25 grams

Fiber: 4 grams

Sugar: 19 grams

Protein: 0.5 grams

Vitamin C: 14% of the DV

Vitamin A: 2% of the DV

Are Apples Safe For Gerbils?

Apples are not poisonous to gerbils, and their flesh and skin are healthy for them. However, the seeds contain cyanide and are poisonous, so it’s important to remove them before feeding your gerbil an apple.

The stem and leaves also contain cyanide, so don’t give those to your gerbil either.

Apple slices make a healthy treat for your gerbil, just be sure to remove the seeds and stems first.

Following nutrients in an apple can keep your gerbil healthy:

Vitamin C – for a strong immune system

Vitamin A – for good vision and healthy skin

Potassium – for proper muscle function

Fiber – for digestion

Water – for hydration

Apples are a good source of several vitamins and minerals that are important for the health of your gerbil.

However, they also contain seeds that contain cyanide, which can be poisonous.

Varieties of Apples

There are many different types of apples, each with its distinct taste and appearance. While some apples are better for eating raw, others are better for cooking.

Here is a list of some of the most popular types of apples:

Source- US Apple Association & Farmflavor

Granny Smith: This type of apple is sour and tart, with a thick skin that is greenish-yellow in color. Granny Smith apples are ideal for baking or cooking, as they hold their shape well and don’t turn mushy when heated.

Red Delicious: As the name suggests, these apples are bright red and very sweet. They’re often used in salads or as a healthy snack option.

Golden Delicious: Another sweet variety, Golden Delicious apples have a yellowish-green skin. They’re often used in pies or other baked goods.

Cripps Pink: Also known as “Pink Lady” apples, Cripps Pinks are sweet with a slightly tart flavor. They have a pinkish-red skin and are often used in salads or as a decoration

Fuji: These apples are large, red, and very sweet. They’re often eaten raw as a snack or used in baking.

Gala: Gala apples are sweet and crunchy, with a reddish-orange skin. They’re often eaten raw as a snack or used in pies or other baked goods.

Honeycrisp: As the name suggests, these apples are very sweet with a crisp texture. They have a light greenish-yellow skin and are often eaten raw as a snack.

Braeburn: Braeburn apples are tart and slightly sweet, with a reddish-brown skin. They’re often used in pies or other baked goods.

McIntosh: McIntosh apples are tart and slightly sweet, with a red and green mottled skin. They’re often eaten raw as a snack or used in pies or other baked goods.

Jonathan Apples: Jonathan apples are tart and acidic, with a red and yellow mottled skin. They’re often used in pies or other baked goods.

Ways To Feed Apples To Your Gerbil

Apples are a great source of nutrients for your gerbil, and they can be a tasty treat as well. Here are a few ways to feed apples to your gerbil:

1. Dice up an apple into small pieces and offer it to your gerbil in its food bowl.

2. Slice an apple into thin wedges and arrange them around the edge of your gerbil’s cage for it to nibble on.

3. Cut an apple into quarters and skewer each piece onto a toothpick. Your gerbil can then gnaw on the apple slices, getting both the fruit and some needed exercise!

4. Fill a Kong toy or other food-dispensing toy with diced apples mixed with a few gerbil pellets or another healthy treat This will give your gerbil a fun foraging activity and a tasty snack all in one.

No matter how you serve it, apples make a great addition to your gerbil’s diet. Be sure to offer them in moderation, however, as too much fruit can cause stomach upset in small animals.

Can gerbils eat fresh apple flesh?

apple flesh

Fresh Apple Flesh is safe for gerbils to eat. However, the seeds, stems and leaves of the apple tree are all poisonous to gerbils and other small animals.

If you’re feeding your gerbil fresh apples, be sure to remove these parts before giving them to your pet.

Can gerbils eat dried apples?

Dried apples are also a safe and healthy treat for gerbils. Just be sure to choose a product that doesn’t contain any added sugar or salt. A few small pieces of dried apple added to your gerbil’s food bowl will make a delicious and nutritious snack.

Can gerbils eat cooked apple?

Gerbils love to eat cooked apple as a treat. You can give them a small piece of cooked apple once or twice a week. Be sure to remove the core and seeds from the apple before giving them.

Cooked apple is a healthy treat for your gerbil and will help keep their teeth clean.

Can gerbils eat apple sauce?

Apple sauce can be fed to gerbils as a treat or a regular food item. When feeding apple sauce to gerbils, it is important to ensure that the apple sauce does not contain any added sugar or flavoring, as these can be harmful to gerbils.

Apple sauce can be fed to gerbils by itself or mixed into their regular food. When feeding apple sauce to gerbils, always offer a small amount at first and observe how they react before offering more.

Can You Feed Apples to Baby Gerbils?

Baby gerbils can eat adult food at the age of 3 weeks, and will be ready for permanent adult food at the age of 5 weeks.

Here are few things you must know before feeding apples to baby gerbils.

1. What are the benefits of feeding apples to baby gerbils?

Apples are a great source of nutrition for baby gerbils. They are packed with vitamins and minerals that help support a growing gerbil’s immune system and overall health.

Apples also provide baby gerbils with essential fiber which aids in digestion. The sweetness of apples is often a big hit with baby gerbils, making them a perfect treat!

2. What are the risks of feeding apples to baby gerbils?

There is a small risk of choking, as apples are a hard fruit. Make sure you cut the apple into small pieces before giving it to your gerbil.

There is also a very small risk of gastrointestinal upset if your gerbil eats too much apple at once. Start with just a small piece of apple and see how your gerbil reacts before offering more.

3. How can you introduce apples into your baby gerbil’s diet safely?

You can introduce apples into your baby gerbil’s diet by adding them to their food bowl or offering them as a treat. When offering apples as a treat, make sure to cut them into small pieces so that your gerbil can easily eat them.

You should also avoid giving your gerbil too much apple at once, as this could cause stomach upset.

4. Are there any other foods that you should avoid feeding to baby gerbils?

There are a few other foods that you should avoid feeding to baby gerbils, such as:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Tomatoes
  • Raw beans
  • Potatoes
  • Green peppers
  • Spinach

5. What are the signs that your baby gerbil is not tolerating apples well?

If your baby gerbil is not tolerating apples well, there are a few signs you can look for.

If they start to vomit or have diarrhoea after eating apples, this is a sign that they are not tolerating them well.

They develop a rash or hives after eating apples, this is also a sign of an allergy.

If you notice any of these signs, it is best to avoid giving your baby gerbil apples in future.


Apples are healthy food for gerbils, and feeding them apples can have some great benefits. Apples provide gerbils with a good source of vitamins and minerals, and they also help to keep gerbils hydrated. Feeding apples to your gerbil is a great way to give them a nutritious treat, and it can also help to bond with your pet.

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