Pets Love Guide

Gerbil vs Hamster: What’s The Difference?

Do you know the difference between a gerbil and a hamster? While they both make adorable, small pets, there are some key differences. What is the difference between a

Do you know the difference between a gerbil and a hamster? While they both make adorable, small pets, there are some key differences.

What is the difference between a gerbil and a hamster? The body length of a gerbil is approximately four inches, and they resemble rats or mice. They have a long and soft tails and like to stand on their hind legs. Hamsters are generally larger and fuller, with lengths up to six inches, unless they are dwarf hamsters.

In this post, we’ll discuss what sets these two creatures apart and help you decide which is the best fit for your family. So, what’s the difference? Let’s find out!

Difference Between Gerbils and Hamsters As Pets

gerbil and hamster

There are a few key differences between gerbils and hamsters that you should be aware of if you’re considering either of these furry little critters as a pet.

Gerbils are much more social animals than hamsters and do best when kept in pairs or small groups. Hamsters, on the other hand, are solitary creatures and generally do not do well when housed with other hamsters.

Gerbils also have a much higher activity level than hamsters and need a larger cage with plenty of room to run and play. Hamsters, on the other hand, are relatively low-key and can get by in a smaller cage.

When it comes to grooming, gerbils are pretty self-sufficient but hamsters need a bit more help.

Gerbils typically only need to be bathed every few weeks while hamsters need to be bathed once a week.

Gerbils are generally considered to be much cleaner than hamsters and are less likely to carry diseases.

Gerbils Hamsters
Size Average 3.5 inches Average 2.5 to 4.5 inches
Tail Long Short
Face Long Round
Body Long Short
Cheek No Yes
Nocturnal No Yes
Social habit Live in groups Live alone
Temperament Curious Docile

Gerbil vs Hamster: Size

One of the most noticeable differences between gerbils and hamsters is their size.

Gerbils are much smaller than hamsters, with an adult gerbil typically weighing in at around 2-3 ounces.

Hamsters, on the other hand, can grow to be quite large, with some breeds (like the Syrian hamster) reaching up to 2 pounds.

Gerbil vs Hamster: Life Span

Another key difference between these two popular pets is their life span. Gerbils have a relatively long life span for such small creatures, with most gerbils living for 3-5 years. Hamsters, on the other hand, have a shorter life span of 2-3 years.

So, which is the better pet for you? It depends on what you’re looking for in a furry friend. If you want a low-maintenance pet that doesn’t need much space, a hamster might be the right choice. If you’re looking for a more active, social creature that will live for several years, a gerbil might be a better option. (1)

Gerbil vs Hamster: Behavior

Gerbils are active, curious, and playful. They love to explore their surroundings and will often play with toys. Hamsters are also active, but they tend to be more solitary. Gerbils are social animals and do best when kept in pairs or groups. Hamsters can be territorial and may fight with other hamsters.

Gerbils are active during the day and sleep at night. Hamsters are nocturnal and sleep during the day. Gerbils like to burrow and build nests. Hamsters also like to burrow, but they do not build nests.

Gerbil vs Hamster: Sleeping Patterns

The primary difference between a gerbil and a hamster is how they sleep. Gerbils are known to be light sleepers, often taking several short naps throughout the day. On the other hand, hamsters are heavy sleepers and tend to sleep for longer periods of time.

Gerbils and hamsters have different diets. Gerbils are omnivores and eat both plants and animals. Hamsters, on the other hand, are mostly herbivores and only eat plants.

So, what’s the bottom line? Both gerbils and hamsters make great pets. If you’re looking for an animal that is active and playful, a gerbil may be a good choice. If you’re looking for a relatively low-maintenance pet, a hamster may be a better option. Ultimately, the best pet for you will depend on your individual preferences and lifestyle.

Gerbil vs Hamster: Friendliness

When it comes to friendliness, there is no clear winner between gerbils and hamsters. This is because both animals can be friendly or unfriendly depending on their personality.

Some gerbils will enjoy being held and played with, while others may be shyer and prefer to stay in their own space.

Similarly, some hamsters will be happy to be handled and cuddled, while others may bite if they feel threatened.

Ultimately, it is up to the owner to decide which type of pet would be a better fit based on their personality and preferences. (2)

Gerbil vs Hamster: Which cost More?

Gerbils and hamsters are both small, furry animals that make popular pets. They have many similarities, but there are also some important differences to consider when choosing which is right for you.

One key difference is cost: gerbils typically cost more than hamsters. This is because gerbils are less common as pets and their cages and care needs tend to be more expensive. For example, gerbils need a larger cage than hamsters since they are more active and playful. They also require special bedding and toys to keep them entertained.

Another key difference between gerbils and hamsters is personality. Gerbils are very social creatures that enjoy being around people and other animals. They are also very active, playful, and curious. Hamsters, on the other hand, are more solitary and can be shy around people. They are also less active, preferring to sleep and eat more than play.

So, which is right for you? If you are looking for a small pet that is relatively low-maintenance and doesn’t require a lot of space, a hamster may be a good option. If you want a more social and active pet that will need more attention and care, a gerbil may be a better choice. Ultimately, it all comes down to your personal preferences and what you are willing to commit to in terms of time and money.

Hamster vs Gerbil: Which Smells More?

If you’re looking for an exotic pet that’s a little different from the usual, you may be considering a gerbil or hamster. These two pets are popular choices for those seeking something a bit more unusual, and they’re both relatively easy to care for. But which one is right for you?

One important consideration when choosing a pet is how much it will smell. Gerbils and hamsters are both clean animals that groom themselves regularly, so they don’t tend to be too smelly. However, gerbils have scent glands on their bellies that can make them smell muskier than hamsters. If you’re sensitive to smells, or if you just don’t want a smelly pet, a hamster may be a better choice.

Hamster vs Gerbil: Which is More Intelligent?

There is no denying that hamsters and gerbils are both intelligent creatures. But which one is more intelligent? This is a difficult question to answer, as there are many factors to consider.

Let’s start by looking at the brain size of these two animals. A hamster’s brain makes up about 2.5% of its body weight, while a gerbil’s brain only makes up 1.5% of its body weight. This might lead you to believe that hamsters are more intelligent than gerbils.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that brain size does not necessarily correlate with intelligence. For example, elephants have much larger brains than humans, but they are not necessarily more intelligent. (3)

Hamster vs Gerbil: Which one Bites More?

There’s no denying that both hamsters and gerbils can bite. But which one bites more? To answer this question, we need to take a closer look at the two animals.

Hamsters are known for being territorial. They will often bite if they feel threatened or if their territory is invaded. Gerbils, on the other hand, are not as territorial. However, they may bite if they feel scared or threatened.

So, which one bites more? It depends on the individual animal and the situation. If you’re concerned about being bitten, it’s best to avoid both hamsters and gerbils altogether!

Cage Size: Hamsters vs Gerbils

When it comes to cage size, hamsters and gerbils have different requirements. Hamsters require a cage with a minimum of 24x12x12 inches. Gerbils, on the other hand, need a cage with a minimum of 30x18x18 inches.

This is something to consider if you’re looking for a pet that doesn’t require a lot of space. If you want a pet that can be kept in a small space, a hamster would be a better choice. However, if you don’t mind a larger pet, a gerbil would be a good option.

Can Gerbils and Hamsters Play Together?

Gerbils and hamsters can live together in the same home, but they should not be placed in the same cage. While these two small animals are similar in many ways, they have some important differences.

For one thing, gerbils are active during the day while hamsters are nocturnal. This means that if you put them in the same cage, the gerbil will likely disturb the hamster’s sleep. In addition, gerbils like to burrow and dig, which can bother a hamster who just wants to relax in its own space.

Another difference is that gerbils are social animals who like to live in groups, while hamsters are more solitary creatures. This means that a gerbil will likely get lonely if placed in a cage with a hamster.

So, while gerbils and hamsters can coexist in the same home, it’s best to keep them in separate cages. This way, each animal can have its own space and live according to its instincts.

Which is better gerbil or hamster?

Gerbils don’t have an unpleasant odor when they urinate less frequently than hamsters. Gerbils can be trained, but hamsters are escape artists.

The requirements for their upkeep are roughly the same, although gerbils require a companion while hamsters don’t.

Both pets have their own set of benefits and drawbacks; there isn’t any better pet in general.

It all depends on what you’re looking for in a pet. If you want a loyal friend that will stay by your side, get a gerbil. If you’re looking for an independent pet that can entertain itself, get a hamster.

Are gerbils or hamsters smarter?

If you’re simply looking for which pet is more intelligent in the traditional sense, then hamsters are probably the better choice. They have better long-term memory than gerbils and are more adept at problem-solving.

However, if you consider things like adaptability and social intelligence, then gerbils may be the smarter option. They’re able to live in groups (unlike most hamsters), and they’re also more resistant to changes in their environment.

Ultimately, the best way to decide which pet is right for you is to learn as much as you can about both animals and see which one best fits your lifestyle and personality.

Hamsters are better for families with allergies

If you or your family members have allergies, a hamster would be a better choice. Hamsters don’t shed as much as gerbils and are less likely to trigger allergies.

Gerbils, on the other hand, shed more and are more likely to trigger allergies.

Hamsters are prone to obesity, while gerbils are not

Another difference between hamsters and gerbils is their weight. Hamsters are prone to obesity, while gerbils are not.

This is something to consider if you’re looking for a pet that is unlikely to become overweight. If you want a pet that is less likely to become obese, a gerbil would be a better choice. However, if you don’t mind a larger pet, a hamster would be a good option.

Can gerbils and hamsters live together?

While gerbils and hamsters are both small rodents, they are different species with different care needs.

In general, it is not recommended to house gerbils and hamsters together because they may fight or stress each other out. However, if you do decide to house them together, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, gerbils and hamsters have different dietary needs. Gerbils are omnivores, while hamsters are mostly carnivorous. This means that you will need to provide two separate food bowls and make sure that the gerbil doesn’t eat all the hamster’s food (or vice versa).

Second, gerbils and hamsters have different exercise needs. Gerbils are very active and need to be able to run and explore. Hamsters, on the other hand, are relatively sedentary and only need a small wheel or ball to exercise in. If you house gerbils and hamsters together, you will need to provide a large cage with plenty of space for the gerbil to run around.

Third, gerbils and hamsters have different social needs. Gerbils are very social animals and do best when kept in pairs or groups. Hamsters, on the other hand, are mostly solitary creatures and can often become aggressive if kept with other animals. For this reason, it is generally best to house gerbils and hamsters in separate cages.

If you do decide to house gerbils and hamsters together, it is important to keep an eye on them and make sure that they are getting along okay. If you notice any signs of fighting or stress, it is best to separate them into different cages.

Can gerbils eat hamster food?

When it comes to pet nutrition, it is generally safe for gerbils to eat hamster food as long as the food is of good quality and does not contain any harmful ingredients.

If you are unsure about whether or not a particular food is safe for your gerbil, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian.

Can hamsters eat gerbil food?

Gerbil food is too high in protein and fat for hamsters, and can cause health problems. If you are feeding your hamster gerbil food, please switch to a more appropriate diet as soon as possible.

Pros and Cons of a Gerbil vs Hamster

If you’re considering adopting a small pet, you may be wondering whether a gerbil or hamster is the right choice for you. Both are popular pets that are relatively easy to care for, but there are some important differences to consider.

Pros of Gerbils:

  1. Gerbils are social animals that do best in pairs or small groups, while hamsters are typically solitary creatures. This means that gerbils are generally more active and outgoing, and they’re less likely to bite than hamsters.
  2. Gerbils are also much cleaner than hamsters – they groom themselves regularly and rarely need a bath. Hamsters, on the other hand, are known for being rather smelly due to their poor hygiene habits.
  3. Gerbils are also better at adapting to new environments than hamsters. They’re less likely to get stressed out when introduced to new people or surroundings, making them easier to care for overall.

Cons of Gerbils:

  1. Gerbils are more active than hamsters, which means they need more space to run around. They also require a larger cage and more toys to keep them entertained.
  2. Gerbils are also more expensive to care for than hamsters, as they require a specialized diet and higher-quality cage.
  3. Gerbils live shorter lives than hamsters – on average, they only live for about 3-5 years. Hamsters, on the other hand, can live for up to 8 years in captivity.

Pros of Hamsters:

  1. Hamsters are relatively low-maintenance pets that are easy to care for. They don’t require a lot of space or special equipment, and they can be left alone for long periods of time without issue.
  2. Hamsters are also relatively inexpensive to care for – they only need a basic cage and simple food and toys.
  3. Hamsters have a long lifespan compared to other small pets, living an average of 8 years in captivity. This makes them a good choice for people who want a pet that will be around for a while.

Cons of Hamsters:

  1. Hamsters are solitary creatures that do not do well in pairs or groups. This means they can be quite territorial and may bite if they feel threatened.
  2. Hamsters are also known for being rather smelly due to their poor hygiene habits. They rarely groom themselves and often need a bath.
  3. Hamsters are not very adaptable to new environments and may get stressed out when introduced to new people or surroundings. This can make them difficult to care for overall.

Summary: Gerbils Vs Hamsters

Gerbils are very active and playful, while hamsters are more sedentary. If you’re looking for a pet that you can play with and interact with, a gerbil is probably a better choice. However, if you’re looking for a pet that you can just sit and watch, a hamster may be a better fit.

Finally, consider how much interaction you want with your pet. Gerbils are social animals that enjoy interacting with their owners, while hamsters are more independent.

If you want a pet that you can hold and cuddle, a gerbil is probably the better choice. However, if you’re looking for a pet that you can just watch and enjoy, a hamster may be a better fit.

Hamsters vs Gerbils: Which is the Better Pet?

So, which is the better pet? The answer depends on your preferences. If you’re looking for a small, low-maintenance pet, a hamster would be a good choice. However, if you’re looking for a larger, more active pet, a gerbil would be a better option.

It comes down to what you’re looking for in a pet. Consider your lifestyle, preferences, and needs before making a decision. Whichever pet you choose, you’re sure to enjoy your furry friend!

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