Pets Love Guide

How big do gerbils get? Size, Growth Rate, Lifespan

If you’re a pet lover, chances are you’ve considered adding a gerbil to your family. Gerbils are small, adorable, and relatively easy to care for. But one question that
gerbils size

If you’re a pet lover, chances are you’ve considered adding a gerbil to your family. Gerbils are small, adorable, and relatively easy to care for. But one question that often comes up is: how big do gerbils eat?

The length and size of a gerbil will vary depending on its gender and breed. Even the length of its life is determined by the breed! The typical length of an adult gerbil is 4 inches, excluding the tail, and it weighs 2-4 oz.

How big can gerbils get?

Gerbils can grow to be about 6 inches long. They are usually a little bit smaller than that, though. The average gerbil is about 4 inches long. Gerbils have very long tails that can be up to 8 inches long. So, a gerbil’s total length (including its tail) can be up to 14 inches long! Gerbils are very small animals.

The size of a gerbil, like many other animals, is determined by its gender. Male gerbils are usually somewhat larger than female gerbils, who typically have a slightly narrower body.

For example, while a male gerbils weighs around 2-4 ounces, a female gerbils typically weighs around 3 ounces.

Common Gerbils and Their Sizes

There are many different types of gerbils, but the most common ones you’ll find at your local pet store are Mongolian gerbils and Chinese gerbils. These two species make up the vast majority of pet gerbils whereas size can also vary between male and female gerbils.

Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) are the larger of the two, with adults typically weighing in at around 4 ounces (113 grams).

Chinese gerbils (Eupleres gregalis), on the other hand, only grow to be about 3 ounces (85 grams).

So if you’re looking for a slightly larger pet, a Mongolian gerbil might be the way to go. But if the size isn’t your main concern, both of these gerbil types make great pets.

Other Gerbils Species and Their sizes

Syrian Gerbil species reach up to 3 inches long in the arid regions of Northern Africa.

The Indian gerbil is this little guy’s name. It only grows to 2 inches long, but it’s an aggressive species that will bite people on occasion. It can be found throughout Southern Asia.

The Syrian golden gerbil is a large rodent from the region of Libya. It grows up to 3-6 inches in length on average. It’s native to North Africa, but it also occurs in parts of Western and Central Asia. It’s also more combative than other gerbil species.

The snowshoe gerbil also known as the Namib brush-tailed gerbil, is native to Africa and lives in Namibia and Angola. Despite its sandy brown coat color, it was given its name because of the white tone of its legs and feet. It’s relatively tiny when compared to other gerbil species, growing just three inches long.

The Przewalski’s gerbil (often misspelled as ‘Przewalski’s’) is a wild rodent from northern China that lived about 6,000 years ago and was discovered in the 1920s. It looks like a very cute and fuzzy rat and measures almost exactly like one.

It’s also one of the biggest gerbil breeds, measuring around 8 inches on average, considerably more than the typical gerbil. The Przewalski’s gerbils have a tiny tail in comparison to other gerbils.

How much does a gerbil weigh?

A healthy adult gerbils will typically weigh between 2 and 5 ounces. Gerbils are very active and playful, so they need to be given plenty of space to explore and play.

A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 2 square feet of cage space per adult gerbils.

Are gerbils bigger than hamsters?

No, gerbils are not bigger than hamsters. Hamsters typically grow to be about twice the size of gerbils. They are also more active than hamsters and require more space to roam.

When Do Gerbils Stop Growing?

Gerbils reach their full adult size anywhere between 4-6 months of age. However, they may continue to fill out and add some weight up until around 1 year of age.

Generally, most gerbils will be fully grown by the time they are 1 year old. However, there are always exceptions to every rule and some individual gerbils may take a bit longer to reach their full size.

Male gerbils mature sexually at three months old, according to Reproduction, Fertility, and Development. Similarly, females do. Both women and males might mature sooner than this, becoming adults as early as 2.5 months old.

How Long Do Gerbils Live?

how long do gerbils live

There isn’t a set lifespan for gerbils, since their lifespan varies widely depending on breed.

The Mongolian gerbil is one of the most popular gerbil breeds, and it can live up to five (5) years old. It has a typical life expectancy of 3-5 years unless it is affected by severe illnesses or accidents.

The Duprasi gerbil, a desert species indigenous to the Nile River’s western regions, lives 7 years on average. That’s quite remarkable for a gerbil. (Here’s our complete guide on how long do gerbils live?)

How long is a gerbil’s tail? 

A gerbil’s tail can be up to 6 inches long. Gerbils use their tails for balance, so a long tail gives them better control when they are running and jumping.

They also use their tails to communicate with other gerbils, by waving them back and forth to signal that they are friendly.

Is My Gerbil Overweight?

If you think your gerbil is overweight, there are a few things you can do to help them slim down.

First, take a look at their diet and make sure they’re not eating too much or too many high-calorie foods. You can also try increasing the amount of exercise they get by adding a wheel or other toys to their cage.

If your gerbil weight is still gaining, your vet can help you create a custom weight loss plan for them. With some time and effort, you can help your gerbil reach a healthy weight!

Body weight of 20 percent above normal indicates obesity, according to Veterinary Clinics of North America. This is a difference of just 20 grams for a gerbil, which may not appear like much.

Conclusion: How big do gerbils get?

Gerbils are tiny rodents that can reach the size of rats, although there are some exceptions, such as the Przewalski’s gerbil.

When compared to other rodents, gerbils are somewhat small. Mice are larger, but they’re smaller than hamsters, rats, and definitely guinea pigs.

In terms of longevity, it depends on the gerbil breed. The Mongolian gerbil is one of the most prevalent gerbil breeds; it has a lifespan of up to five years when kept in ideal conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can gerbils be obese?

Gerbils can become obese, though it is not common. When kept as pets typically have a more varied diet than wild gerbils, which can lead to weight gain.

Obesity in gerbils can lead to several health problems, so it is important to keep an eye on your pet’s weight and make sure they are getting enough exercise.

What should a gerbil weigh be?

There is no definitive answer to this question as each gerbil’s ideal weight will depend on many factors, including its age, breed, and overall health.

However, a healthy adult gerbil typically weighs between 80 and 120 grams. If your gerbil falls outside of this range, it is important to speak with a veterinarian to ensure that there are no underlying health issues.

How do you put a gerbil on a diet?

You can put a gerbil on a diet by reducing the amount of food you give it and increasing the amount of exercise it gets.

They needs to eat a healthy diet to stay healthy and avoid becoming overweight.

You can give your gerbil smaller meals more often, or feed it a special diet food designed for them.

You should also make sure your gerbil has plenty of toys and things to do so it gets enough exercise.

How big is a full-grown gerbil?

Full-grown gerbils typically weigh between 2 and 5 ounces. They are about 4 to 6 inches long, including the tail.

They have small, delicate bodies and long tails and are very active and agile and love to explore their surroundings.

They are social animals and enjoy living in pairs or small groups and are gentle by nature and make excellent pets for both children and adults alike.

Are gerbils nicer than hamsters?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual animal’s personality.

However, in general, they tend to be more active and playful than hamsters, and they are also less likely to bite.

So if you’re looking for a friendly and playful pet, a gerbil might be a better choice than a hamster.

Do gerbils like to be held?

Every gerbil has its personality and preferences. Some may enjoy being held, while others may not be as keen on it. If you have a gerbil that doesn’t seem to mind being held, then it’s probably okay to do so.

However, if your gerbil seems uncomfortable or squirms a lot when being held, it’s best to avoid handling it too much. Let your gerbil come to you if it wants some attention, and respect its personal space if it would rather be left alone.

Are gerbils big?

Gerbils are small animals, typically about the size of a mouse. So, no, they are not big.

Do gerbils make good pets?

Gerbils are small, active rodents that make interesting and entertaining pets. They are relatively easy to care for and can be handled without too much difficulty, making them a good choice for first-time pet owners. They are also relatively long-lived, with a lifespan of around 3-5 years.

However, there are also some disadvantages to owning a gerbil. They are very active animals and need a lot of space to run around in, so they may not be suitable for people who live in small homes or apartments.

Gerbils also require specialized food and bedding, which can be somewhat expensive. Overall, gerbils can make good pets but potential owners should research the pros and cons carefully.

What is the biggest gerbil?

The biggest gerbil is the Great Gerbil. It can grow to be up to two feet long and weigh up to four pounds.

What are giant gerbils?

Giant gerbils are also known as giant desert rats. They are found in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. Giant gerbils can grow to be up to three times the size of a regular gerbil.

These rodents are not considered to be pests, but they can be a nuisance if they invade homes or other buildings looking for food.

Did gerbils spread the Black Death?

The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia and peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350.

Although the cause of the Black Death is still unknown, there has been much speculation about its origin. One theory suggests that gerbils may have played a role in spreading the disease.

Gerbils are small, rodents that are native to deserts and semi-arid regions of Africa, Asia, and Europe. They were introduced to Europe in the 18th century and quickly became popular as pets. Gerbils are known to be carriers of fleas and other parasites, which could potentially transmit diseases to humans.

There is no direct evidence to suggest that gerbils were responsible for the Black Death, but some experts believe that they may have played a role in its spread.

If gerbils were indeed responsible for the Black Death, it would be one of the most devastating examples of an animal-borne disease in human history.



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